Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Distribution of Tea in India and their Health Benefits

Tea or chai is a spiced milk tea from India that is very popular. The ingredients of tea are touted to have health benefits, which is typically prepared by boiling loose leaf tea and adding milk, sweetener and various spices depending on personal preferences.
In India, tea is more popular than coffee and there are many different versions of the tea, which has been a staple there for hundreds of years. It can be enjoyed hot or cold, morning and evening, summer or winter. Marvel tea brand is considered as the most popular tea brand among various other tea brands as it brings the perfect balance of strength and flavor.  

Tea Distribution in India is done by Indian tea suppliers who produce some of the world’s finest varieties of tea such as green tea, black tea, oolong tea and white tea. Tea manufacturers and distributors in India source the bulk of their tea supplies from tea plantations in Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala and many other parts of the country.
All these varieties of tea are highly sought after globally due to their unique flavor, strength, and benefits. Some teas also encourage weight loss; lower cholesterol and bring about mental alertness. Tea also appears to have antimicrobial qualities.

Green Tea is made with steamed tea leaves and has a high concentration of EGCG. Drinking Green Tea with Lemon improves the tea and brings out its anti-oxidants. These antioxidants prevent clogging of the arteries, burn fat, counteract oxidative stress on the brain, and reduce the risk of neurological disorders.
Black tea is made with fermented tea leaves. It has the highest caffeine content. Studies show that black tea may protect lungs from damage caused by exposure to cigarette smoke. It also may reduce the risk of stroke.

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis plant. The polyphenol antioxidants found in this tea are thought to help reduce blood sugar and insulin levels.

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